Years of experience combined with our personal approach


Selling your property

Your real estate agent in the Gooi region

As your real estate agent, we strive to go the extra mile for the successful sale of your home. Our estate agent supports and guides you with their years of experience in the housing market in the Hilversum and Het Gooi area. Personal contact is of paramount importance to us. We offer a comprehensive service which we fully organize on the basis of your wishes and requirements.

Make an appointment

How we work

What you can expect from us

1. Getting acquainted

The sale of your home starts with an introductory meeting and a valuation on location. We provide insight into the actual sales price and advise you on setting the asking price. We will also discuss any adaptations to your home that may help boost the sale

2. Research and analysis

As soon as you commission our office with the sale, we will start the necessary research into your home. This includes collecting cadastral information, environmental information and issues such as possible registration.

3. Presentation of the listing

For the presentation of your home, a professional photographer will create a photo report, your home will be measured in accordance with the NEN 2580 guidelines and we will draw up a presentation. Your home will then be presented on Funda and on our own website and social media channels, as well as in the showcase of our office. We will also include the presentation of your property in a brochure that will be distributed to interested parties.

4. Viewings

We plan and guide the viewings with interested parties. Viewings are always individual. We take the time to emphasize the special features of your house and to answer the questions of the viewers. Of course we will inform you about the progress of each viewing.

5. Negotiations and agreement

Of course we will take care of the negotiations with the potential buyer. Naturally, we do this in close consultation with you so that we can optimally represent your interests. When a price agreement has been reached, we will prepare the contract of sale and the necessary documentation in which all agreements are confirmed. We will discuss these in detail with you before you can sign them.

6. To the notary’s office

We remain at your service during the process leading up to the transfer at the notary’s office. Before you sign, we inspect the house together with the buyer. When both parties agree, we proceed with the final transfer of keys. Congratulations on the sale of your home!

Hilversum and Het Gooi area

Making the most of a large network

Our working area covers Het Gooi and the neighbouring towns, where we have enjoyed assisting our clients with the sale, purchase and rental of real estate for more than twenty years. Our network extends far beyond this region. For clients with residential requirements outside our area, we work closely with fellow estate agents who are happy to share their local knowledge and have clients themselves who are looking for a home in Het Gooi. Moreover, we serve a large international clientele in Hilversum and surroundings. We are MVA Certified Expat Broker and work together with our partner Dutch Home Hunters, which focuses entirely on the local expat market.

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Our references

What our clients say about us

Verkoper Ruysdaellaan 27 te Hilversum

Patrick en het hele team - Nathalie, Oscar, Karel, Pauline en Emerence - zijn fijn om mee te werken. Een huis kopen en verkopen is spannend, en dan is het fijn om met mensen te werken die jou begrijpen. Ze hebben ons enorm goed geholpen, naar een prachtig resultaat. We zijn erg blij met hun support. Ze zijn vriendelijk, eerlijk, geduldig en hadden ons belang altijd bovenaan. Na twee jaar samenwerken kennen we dus inmiddels het hele team. Ik kan ze van harte aanbevelen. Dankjewel Patrick.

A funda user

Ik werk al vele jaren met Dorenbos tot groot genoegen. Wordt verkoopmakelaar en hielp heel fijn met de aankoop.

Verkoper Prinses Marijkehof 88 te Naarden

Goed, meedenkend contact!Open communicatie! Goed en informatief wat betreft mogelijkheden/onmogelijkheden

A funda user

Goede dienst, heel behulpzaam bij het verkopen. Soms wel meerdere malen telefoneren om zeker te zijn dat bepaalde zaken werden uitgevoerd.

Verkoper Prinses Marijkehof 84 te Naarden

Contact verliep erg goed. Kwamen afspraken goed na en waren altijd op tijd bij een afspraak. Altijd zeer goed bereikbaar en vriendelijk te woord gestaan en kon altijd bellen als er iets was. Werd ook op de hoogte gehouden van de ontwikkelingen.

Koper Floralialaan 34 te Bussum

The agency assisted us in mutiple options within our price range. 5 houses viewed without ease of appointment. Good advice were given.



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